Challenges in Fieldwork and Distanced Research

November 10, 2020

hosted by Instituto Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa

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From the agenda

09.00-10.00    Introduction

10.00-10.15    Doing Fieldwork

10.30-12.00    Managing Fieldwork Challenges

12.00-13.30    Lunch break

13.30-14.00    Ethnography at a distance*

14.00-14.25    Interviewing online*

15.00-15.45    Distanced research*

16.00-17.00    Concluding session

* new courses

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What people said

“I would definitely recommend the workshop to other researchers, who must be, as all of us, very anguished with the change of strategies we have to make nowadays. I guess you enlightened a lot of the questions that we have in these conditions!”

“The most helpful part was the exercises that we did, because it was a direct interaction with our colleagues and with issues that can emerge during research. Being more interactive was also good for breaking the rhythm of the rest of the seminar”.

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What the organisers learnt

  • It’s really hard for both participants and organisers to manage a whole day on Zoom despite reasonable screen breaks.

  • So the next workshop will be spread over a week.

  • Future online workshops will include even more interactive content